Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's Been AGES!

Since I've posted here!

And boy, oh boy, has lots happened. Most of you follow me on Twitter, so you know all about it. But here's the new stuff.

I'll be moving in the coming months, hopefully before Christmas, but I'm not putting anything in writing. My parents bought us a house, ostensibly giving us our inheritance and when they are around to see us enjoy it. It needs work, and said work is being done, but I've other things going on in my life to devote the time that's needed to make the repairs go faster.

My dad is not 100% free of cancer, yet. YET. There is a nickel-sized shadow on his lung, and his doctor is not completely sure of what it is. There have been tests done, and the doctor is going to wait to actually SEE the tests, not just the written results. But the bottom line is, Dad is not completely done with treatments, yet. And his heart isn't as good as it was. He's have issues with fluid build up, and now, on top of everything else, he has gout. Caused by, presumably, the meds he's on. Oh joy.

My personal life has taken some hits, lately. Everyone who knows me knows I like answers to things, and recently, I don't seem to have any for what has been happening. On the bright side, I've many wonderful, supportive friends, an amazing kid, and a family that knows to let me lick my wounds in peace. I'm not okay, yet, but I'm working on it.

I'm writing again. I've no time frame for when anything will be posted. But all I have to say is, God Bless our soldiers! They've been hitting up my other blog like crazy, and my numbers are going through the roof! They keep me happy, so I'm going to do my best to keep them happy.

Love to all. Talk again soon.